Mouth Sores Treatment

Mouth blisters, also sometimes called canker sores, are a huge pain. What’s worse is they are incurable.

Most mouth sores will come and go within about 1-2 weeks. If you have mouth blisters that last longer than that, you should consider consulting a medical professional.

You may require a minor surgery to remove damaged cells that produce sores on tongue, cheeks and the roof of your mouth.

In the meantime, there are some things you can do to help ease the pain associated with canker sores, such as avoiding certain foods.


Foods with Sharp Edges: That means lay off the nachos and chips when you have a canker sores. These foods tend to poke sores which can further irritate them and cause the mouth sores to grow.

Spicy Foods: Spicy and hot foods can aggravate your mouth sore and cause you more short-term pain.

Highly acidic foods or beverages: Stay away from drinks like lemonade and orange juice. Foods that create a slight stinging sensation are best left alone while you are experiencing a mouth blister.

Chewing Gum: This isn’t a harmless candy. Once false move and you could chomp down on a canker sore and inflame it worse than before. Avoid chewing gum, which also can cause your tongue, cheek, lips  and teeth to rub against the mouth blister.

17 Nov, 2008

5 Common Causes of Lip Sores

Posted by: Linda In: Lip Sores

Read this post to learn the 5 most common causes for getting lip sores.

If you are doing any of the things listed here and getting lip sores, fever blisters or mouth sores…then stop!

Infected By Other People

Cold sores are always contagious however, they are most contagious when they break and the sore is weeping.  The pus inside contains thousands of viruses.  Do not kiss or share chap stick or utensils with a person with lip sores!


Any type of stress to your body can trigger a cold sore.  Being ill, traveling and dental work can all affect the Herpes Simplex 1 virus and it will attack.  Not having good nutrition or enough rest will also make you prone to getting lip sores.


Long exposure to the sun has been associated with lip sore development.  The sun contains Ultra Violet rays and this is what causes an outbreak.

Reinfected By Yourself

Be sure to wash your hands and all washcloths and towels used on your face during your cold sore infection.  Since lip sores are so contagious you can easily spread the virus to another part of your body or reinfect your mouth with another sore.  Don’t touch at the sore unless you are by a sink with soap and can immediately sanitize your hands!

Hormonal Change

Women are vulnerable to lip sores during their menstrual cycles.  This hormonal change seems to stress the body just enough to cause a skin eruption.  Acne works the same way, puberty/changes in hormonal balance will trigger an outbreak.

The Herpes Simplex 1 virus isn’t completely understood.  Some people are completely immune to getting a cold sore while others can be infected time and time again.  This are only the 5 common causes of lip sores, you could be a healthy person who stays out of the sun, gets plenty of exercise and never leaves home without hand sanitizer and still be a victim of lip sore break outs.

For more information on treatment go to mouth sores treatment.

17 Nov, 2008

Best 9 Ways How To Prevent Cold Sores

Posted by: Linda In: Coldsore

Cold sores are an inevitability for more than half of the population. At some point or another, many of us will be faced with those lip sore tingles and dread the coming mouth sore.

It doesn’t have to be that way!

There are many steps you can take to help prevent cold sores. Read on for the best home remedies for cold sores prevention.


We hate to break the bad news, but you can’t prevent cold sores, also called fever blisters. It’s just not possible.


Here’s a number of ways to help reduce the chances of spurring a lip sore outbreak.

  1. Wash Your Hands and Face: This is especially important when you are around someone experiencing an outbreak of mouth sores. By keeping your hands and face clean, you will help limit the chance that you could transfer the Herpes Simplex 1 virus to your body.
  2. Avoid Sharing Utensils, Cups, Towels and Toothbrushes: When another person has a cold sore, it’s best to not share anything with them that may touch your mouth and theirs. Sounds simple, but many of us often forget and may share a soda or even a towel. If someone you know has an exposed mouth sore, make sure you have your own supplies.
  3. Avoid Kissing: Yes we can’t help this all the time and it puts a damper on the romantic mood. But if you want to avoid passing lip sores between you and your partner, it’s best to avoid kissing them until the fever blister has had a chance to cool off.
  4. Avoid Mouth Sore Triggers: Many things can trigger a cold sore outbreak. Get to know what causes your body to sprout lip sores and work to avoid them.
  5. Use Sunblock: Overexposure to sunlight can spark a lip sore outbreak. Do your best to not dry out the skin on your lips.
  6. Change Your Toothbrush Every 2 Months or Less: Bacteria tends to build up on our toothbrushes and it’s best to keep a fresh brush. Don’t wait for your dentist to hand you a new one ever six months. A fresh toothbrush will help keep your mouth clean and give you better smelling breath 🙂
  7. Eat a Nutritious Diet: There’s not enough that can be said for eating healthy. Balance the vitamins you take in and make sure you aren’t eating too much grease and oils.
  8. Take Lysine: Lysine helps slow the reproduction of viruses, including those that cause Herpes Simplex 1, or coldsores. Potatoes, chicken, beans, dairy and fish have high amounts of Lysine, so eat up. And while you’re at it, don’t eat so much chocolate.
  9. Moisturize Your Lips: Keep your lips moisturized using a lotion, lip balm or jelly. This will help prevent them from chapping or drying out.

If you have other thoughts for how to prevent coldsores, share them in the comments on this post. Thanks!

Its no fun when mouth herpes are acting up. If you feel a cold sore coming on and you want to treat it as fast as possible.  If you act quickly and you can reduce the pain and shorten up your healing time by potentially stopping a mouth sore lesion from forming. The most important thing is to start treating the mouth sore as soon as you feel it coming on (usually when the lip gets tingly or itchy).  Try these 3 best killers for mouth sores and let us know about your success!

Best Mouth Sores Killer #1 – Prevention

They say that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  That’s certainly true with reducing mouth herpes breakouts. Avoiding factors like stress and ultraviolet light goes a long way towards preventing a breakout. There are also viral suppression medications that can be taken daily for people who suffer from frequent (6 or more times per year) breakouts.

Best Mouth Sores Killer #2 – Oral Medications

Valtrex (generic name Valacyclovir) is an oral medication which has been shown to reduce pain and shorten healing time. It has only been shown to be effective if used before the appearance of a cold sore. On it works by stopping or slowing the reproduction of the virus.

Best Mouth Sores Killer #3 – Topical Medications

Zovirax (generic name Acyclovir) is an FDA approved cream which has (like Valtrex) been shown to shorten healing time. Sometimes you can’t (or don’t want to) go to a doctor and are stuck with what’s available over the counter. Abreva is a topical cream that is available over the counter for treating cold sores.  For treating the symptoms alone (for reducing pain and itching), we recommend Carmex gel.

There are also natural treatments available for cold sores.  We recommend the Cold Sore Freedom in 3 Days system if you are interested in a natural solution.

Mouth blisters, sometimes called canker sores or mouth ulcers, can be very painful and annoying. These mouth sores appear as tiny bumps the inside of the mouth, on cheeks, lips, the roof of your mouth and even your tongue.

Although doctors have not pinned down an exact cause for canker sores, some speculate that trauma to your saliva ducts actually causes these types of mouth sores.

For example, some experts believe that when saliva ducts are damaged through contact with a sharp object or are bitten, they can cause the mouth to produce saliva that gets trapped under the traumatized tissue. If this occurs, saliva builds up, creating a mouth blister.

Luckily, canker sores are not contagious and you can take steps to get rid of mouth blisters.


Try the following methods for getting rid of mouth sores quickly and easily.

Rinse Mouth with Salt Water: Salt tends to sanitize the mouth and draw out impurities from the sores. Try rinsing with warm salt water several times a day.

Rinse Mouth with Hydrogen Peroxide: This method is effective, but may sting a little. Be careful not to swallow the chemicals!

Rise Mouth with an Antimicrobial Mouthwash: A good mouthwash can also clean up the sores in your mouth. Try Listerine or a similar product.

Apply Ice to Sores: Mouth blisters can get temporary relief from having ice pressed on them for several minutes. This is not a long-term solution.

You have cold sores or you feel one coming on. It’s time to start working fast!

Once we feel the tingle of a fever blister coming on, many of us immediately rush to the drug store to find some type of cold sore treatment. One of the top over-the-counter lip sore medicines people buy is Abreva.

Although many people buy Abreva, is it really the solution you should first turn to?


Abreva is the only over-the-counter coldsore medicine that contains 10% Docosonal. What’s interesting that Docosonal is that it works to make cells surrounding your mouth sore impenetrable by the Herpes Simplex 1 virus, otherwise called herpes labialis. This helps prevent spreading of your mouth sores.

Abreva is safe for people 12 years old and older and should be applied 5-10 times per day until your lip sore improves, according to pharmacists. The company that produces Abreva says a common tube should help you battle through 2-3 episodes of coldsores.


You should avoid using Abreva for lip sores inside the mouth and nose because its chemicals can be harmful to your mucous membranes. It’s OK to get a little on your sores inside your mouth, but if you’ve applied a lot, rise your mouth out immediately.

Also, Abreva will produce better results if you apply it in the early stages of a lip sore. If you wait for the mouth sore to form, Abreva will not be as effective in healing any type of fever blister.


While Abreva is not a natural home remedy for cold sores, it can offer some immediate benefits for helping you to heal sores on lips quickly. In fact, Abreva is the only over-the-counter medicine that is FDA-approved for helping shorten the lifespan of a coldsore.

However, as you learned earlier, the average tube of Abreva lasts only as much as 3 fever blister episodes. If you want to heal cold sores, Abreva is something that can help you in the short term, but costs can rack up with each of cold sore treatment you buy.

The best thing you can do is work to prevent cold sores by avoiding fever blister triggers. This will help live more healthier overall and also help skirt the onset of new mouth sores.

12 Nov, 2008

3 Ways to Naturally Treat Itchy Lip Sores

Posted by: Linda In: Lip Sores

You have a lip sore and you don’t want to go to the doctor for a prescription that is going to cost a fortune and you really didn’t want to put a chemical-made pharmaceutical on your lip sores anyway.

What do you do to naturally treat your itchy lip sores?

I’ll share 3 useful tips with you that are 100% natural, holistic ways to treat lip sores and cold sores.

Firstly, I suggest you buy the informational product listed on this website.  Cold Sore Freedom in 3 Days is an Ebook that includes everything you want to know about cold sores and healing cold sores and lip sores.

Chances are, if your lip sore is itchy it has blistered and scabbed already.  This is when the lip sore is at it’s ugliest and itchiest!

The best things to do during this time for itchy lip sores:

-Soak a green tea bag in hot water.  Take the bag out and let it cool for a minute then place the tea bag on your lip sore.  Green tea has healing anti oxidants and the warm tea bag on your lip sore will alleviate pain.

-Mix some water and alum (can be found in the spice aisle at the grocery store) together to make a paste.  Apply this to your lip sore, it helps to shrink the sore and take away the stinging, itchy sensation.  Wash off after letting it soak into your sore for about 2 minutes.

-Apply tea tree oil to your lip sore with a Q-tip.  Tea tree oil can stay on your cold sore and be left to soak in.  Apply frequently to shrink your lip sore but be careful that you do not over-dry the area and make it more painful.

If you have a cold sore, you’re likely on your way to the drug store right now to get something that can help you ease the pain and shorten the mouth sore’s lifespan.

Cold sores, also called fever blisters, can’t be cured, according to doctors. But if you’re set on finding something at the drug store to help heal cold sores, they can be treated using pain relievers and topical medicines. Abreva is a common cold sore medicine, but it can be costly.


The best way to treat cold sores is to prevent them in the first place, but we all know that is easier said than done.

Since you need help now, here’s some medicines you can use to help ease your pain:

  1. Ibuprofen: Also known as Motrin, Ibuprofen helps bring down the swelling on and around sores on your body. This helps reduce pain caused by lip sores.
  2. Tylenol: Tylenol contains acetaminophen, which acts as a inhibitor to swelling in your body.
  3. Cold Sore Ointment Anbesol: Anbesol contains benzocaine, local anesthetic used in topical pain relievers.
  4. Cold Sore Ointment Zilactin: Zilactin contains benzyl alcohol
  5. Apply Ice to Lip Sores: Ice also helps reduce swelling on cold sores and could help bring down the size of one that is growing.

Pain relief alone won’t stop your cold sore, but it at least will make it a little more bearable. In the meantime, you can take steps to help prevent cold sores.