Mouth Sores Treatment

18 Nov, 2008

Mouth Blister Mistakes: Avoid THESE Foods to Heal Canker Sores

Posted by: Linda In: Mouth Sores

Mouth blisters, also sometimes called canker sores, are a huge pain. What’s worse is they are incurable.

Most mouth sores will come and go within about 1-2 weeks. If you have mouth blisters that last longer than that, you should consider consulting a medical professional.

You may require a minor surgery to remove damaged cells that produce sores on tongue, cheeks and the roof of your mouth.

In the meantime, there are some things you can do to help ease the pain associated with canker sores, such as avoiding certain foods.


Foods with Sharp Edges: That means lay off the nachos and chips when you have a canker sores. These foods tend to poke sores which can further irritate them and cause the mouth sores to grow.

Spicy Foods: Spicy and hot foods can aggravate your mouth sore and cause you more short-term pain.

Highly acidic foods or beverages: Stay away from drinks like lemonade and orange juice. Foods that create a slight stinging sensation are best left alone while you are experiencing a mouth blister.

Chewing Gum: This isn’t a harmless candy. Once false move and you could chomp down on a canker sore and inflame it worse than before. Avoid chewing gum, which also can cause your tongue, cheek, lips  and teeth to rub against the mouth blister.

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