Mouth Sores Treatment

17 Nov, 2008

Best 9 Ways How To Prevent Cold Sores

Posted by: Linda In: Coldsore

Cold sores are an inevitability for more than half of the population. At some point or another, many of us will be faced with those lip sore tingles and dread the coming mouth sore.

It doesn’t have to be that way!

There are many steps you can take to help prevent cold sores. Read on for the best home remedies for cold sores prevention.


We hate to break the bad news, but you can’t prevent cold sores, also called fever blisters. It’s just not possible.


Here’s a number of ways to help reduce the chances of spurring a lip sore outbreak.

  1. Wash Your Hands and Face: This is especially important when you are around someone experiencing an outbreak of mouth sores. By keeping your hands and face clean, you will help limit the chance that you could transfer the Herpes Simplex 1 virus to your body.
  2. Avoid Sharing Utensils, Cups, Towels and Toothbrushes: When another person has a cold sore, it’s best to not share anything with them that may touch your mouth and theirs. Sounds simple, but many of us often forget and may share a soda or even a towel. If someone you know has an exposed mouth sore, make sure you have your own supplies.
  3. Avoid Kissing: Yes we can’t help this all the time and it puts a damper on the romantic mood. But if you want to avoid passing lip sores between you and your partner, it’s best to avoid kissing them until the fever blister has had a chance to cool off.
  4. Avoid Mouth Sore Triggers: Many things can trigger a cold sore outbreak. Get to know what causes your body to sprout lip sores and work to avoid them.
  5. Use Sunblock: Overexposure to sunlight can spark a lip sore outbreak. Do your best to not dry out the skin on your lips.
  6. Change Your Toothbrush Every 2 Months or Less: Bacteria tends to build up on our toothbrushes and it’s best to keep a fresh brush. Don’t wait for your dentist to hand you a new one ever six months. A fresh toothbrush will help keep your mouth clean and give you better smelling breath đŸ™‚
  7. Eat a Nutritious Diet: There’s not enough that can be said for eating healthy. Balance the vitamins you take in and make sure you aren’t eating too much grease and oils.
  8. Take Lysine: Lysine helps slow the reproduction of viruses, including those that cause Herpes Simplex 1, or coldsores. Potatoes, chicken, beans, dairy and fish have high amounts of Lysine, so eat up. And while you’re at it, don’t eat so much chocolate.
  9. Moisturize Your Lips: Keep your lips moisturized using a lotion, lip balm or jelly. This will help prevent them from chapping or drying out.

If you have other thoughts for how to prevent coldsores, share them in the comments on this post. Thanks!

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